Opinion: Ron DeSantis Made the Red Wave a Reality in Florida, But it Doesn’t Matter

Why DeSantis is unlikely to replicate this with the rest of America

E.M. DuBois
3 min readNov 10, 2022

Ron DeSantis absolutely crushed it in Florida in his bid to be reelected as Governor. In fact, he won by almost 20% points over his opponent Charlie Crist. A landslide.

This win has some in the right-wing media circles jumping for joy at the thought of DeSantis picking up where Trump left off now that the Donald is seemingly falling from the good graces of the GOP. They believe he can take what he did in Florida and repeat it nationwide.

However, this is easier said than done, here are three reasons why DeSantis will have a hard time repeating his success nationwide.

1. Primaries, primaries, primaries

If Ron decides to run, it will undoubtedly be a bloodbath of a primary with candidates scrambling to unify the base by throwing out red meat. This doesn’t play well after the primary is over. If DeSantis runs he will need to be seen as a more competent Trump. He needs to be far-right while showing a bit more finesse when it comes to governing. America has roundly rejected Trumpian style of governance where it is my way or the highway.



E.M. DuBois

E.M. is a teacher, freelance writer, husband, and father who loves writing creative non-fiction.