There is so much here that I don't know where to start, maybe at the end.
The KKK and slavery were Democratic stances back when the Democratic party was conservative, and Republicans were the liberal party then they switched:
So the party that created and endorsed those things had more in common with modern day Republicans than Democrats.
When you say that the right calls out hypocrisy I have to laugh...the Supreme Court? Lindsay Graham? That is all I have to say there, though I could say more.
In terms of the "free money" if we stopped giving corporations a free ride due to GOP politicians being in their back pocket we might see more tax revenue that could cover that money coming from multi-billion and trillion dollar companies, not on the backs of the working men and women.
There is more to be said, but you didn't really come here to discuss, you came to troll, so I leave you now. Maybe you should write an article of your own so you can articulate your thoughts to the world.